let's be honest.
I'm procrastinating.
I really should be studying, but instead I felt the need to create a blog.
Why make a blog during exams?
Well, A. I feel completely and utterly detached from myself and the world at the moment... therefore writing a blog gives me some where to vent? Maybe... I don't know.
B. a few of my friends have blogs, I found them intriguing, loved their honesty and bluntness. Overall, thought it was a nice idea... I guess you could say I copied... ah well :)
Mum just asked me what I was doing... my response "nothing of value", she just kept walking past, weird. I expected a "shouldn't you be studying?" She'd be right, I should be.
Exams and studying are a bitch. I want to do well, I do. And I have been studying hard, probably not as effectively as I should have, but hard nonetheless. I simply cannot comprehend how I will feel in two weeks and one day, the words that come to mind are FRIGGEN AWESOME! I will be free. AND 18...
I'm 18 in two days!! TWO!!! But I have an exam on my birthday. Thanks VCAA, no really, Thank you! :-|
I'm not gonna lie, I'm completely and utterly overwhelmed at the moment.
Theatre exam on Wednesday, I really want to do well, but as my teacher keeps saying "I need to be more specific" If I screw up this exam I can say goodbye to a good study score.
Methods on Friday and the next Monday. Let's not talk about that.
Music the following Wednesday. Melodic dictation go jump!
Then finally the Tuesday after that Italian, sono molto terribile a italiano, specialmente l'ascoltando.
I cannot believe this, I just spent this whole post talking about school and exams.
VCE is actually consuming my life. More so, draining my life.
However, it's almost over.