
life is good.

Reasons why life is shibby as can be;
-No more exams.
-18th was rockin'
-my friends are fabbbb
-it's basically summer
-no more school.

this is it kids, LIFE BEGINS NOW!!


no more...

I never have to do methods ever again.

no more quadratics
no more cubics
no more quartics
no more hyperbolas
no more truncus
no more inverse equations
no more modulus
no more trigonometry
no more differentiation
no more intergration
no more probability
no more calculus
no more METHODS!

I don't think you understand how happy this makes me.

one exam to go guys!! NEXT FUCKING TUESDAY!! ALL my friends have finished and i have 6 days!!!

this upsets me greatly...
thinking of going to the beach tomorrow just coz italian is lame anyway...
Furthermore, shovy called me... offered me a free ticket to Britney!! YES PLEASE :)

Should be a gooooood LOL cannot wait :)

Had my music exam today. Was good... cept I didn't finish the last question. Oh well :)



I'm feeling paranoid.

found this...

it kinda scares me.

are we becoming too reliant on technology??


9 days.

Methods exam numero due tomorrow.

fucking scary. Trying to study for it today. But it's too hot and pretty outside :(

Last night went to my primary school bestfriends brothers 21st. Hadn't caught up with trendy properly for ages, was SO nice to do so. Even more exciting, I got to use my id again :) hehe. Being 18 (even though I haven't utilised it properly) is awesome :) Love life.

YABC on friday night was the best... until after break.
dick, tiger, gaysian, shov, fearn and hedge sung me the loudest and best happy birthday and Fearn had made the cutest little cupcakes. This made me realise 2 things. 1, that these people are up there as my dearest friends and 2 this was the only birthday cake I'd had, it was awesome.
I find YABC too long, you get to after break and you crash, I started feeling royally shit too and had to sit out, felt like I was gonna vom vom on someone.

Yesterday morning my alarm went off at 5.2oam so I could get to work by 6am, people think I'm crazy, but the community needed their ham, and someones gotta shave/slice it.

Exam timetable:
Mon: Methods 2
Weds: Music solo
Tues (week): Italian.

9 days til freedom... BRING ON SUMMER!!!



have methods exam tomorrow morning.

did 3 practise exams today.


Oh dear.

Meanwhile, two of my friends finished exams today. I still have 12 days til freedom. 12!!! So unfair.

5 down 4 to go.

No words.

I am 18.


I bought alcohol today.

I showed that man some ID.

He accepted.

It felt awesome.



So. It turns out I am eighteen in 2 hours. What the actual fuck!?

meanwhile, the fact that I am eighteen in literally 5 seconds mean I have been ridiculously distracted today. First day studying alone. I simply could not remain motivated needed Arby, that girl and I study well together. Suprisingly.

Spoke to Gaysian on the phone last night at literally 1am. Was brilliant to catch up on his life.
Miss that kid.

The whole family went out today to 'leave me in peace, so I could study', they did leave me in peace, I did study. Not well, but did nonetheless.

I hate being home alone, but at the same time love it. Found myself making extremely cheesy nachos for lunch coz Mum hates me eating nachos, "they SOOO bad for you", pffft.

Found myself going on a run, was going to run through the park and back, but kept going, got home 45 minutes later. That was alot longer than the 15 minutes I allocated for the run. Tripped over a stick in the park and massively stacked, got up extremely quickly and sprinted off not looking back in the hope no one saw. The 30 people having a cup day picnic/BBQ definitely saw.

Spoke to DB and wished for the thousandth time that exams were over so we could hang out properly without study involved.

Spoke to Ra, we're going out for lunch after the theatre exam tomorrow for my bday, with some ppl from the class and of course the EDSC wanna be DB.

DB sent a text to me that said this 'should we keep it a secret that I'm coming? Do the old. Surprise DB is here! N we tell her I can't make it!'

I was thoroughly confused by this message, a few minutes later he sent a msg that said 'Fuck'.
It was meant for Arby, guess he ruined the surprise! hahaha

twas a cute thought though.

I have an exam tomorrow morning why am I updating my blog?

NIGHT KIDS.... I'll see you next when I am the big EIGHTEENNN :)



why am I still awake? Yes, it's only 11.26pm, but I went to 'bed' an hour ago!
cannot get something off my mind.
need to talk to one person in particular, yet it's too late to call them.
hm. If only they could read my mind. Would be easier I feel.

I actually miss YABC. Haven't been for... 2 weeks. Didn't go the week before last because I really didn't enjoy the previous week, had a relaxing friday night, something I haven't had for a very long time enjoyed and now am longing to go back. I feel that worked well.
Missing my YABC friends more than anything. Those people really do keep me sane. Mostly :)

anywho, I'm done here.

Thank you Ryan Smith.

I got my first birthday card.
it was from Ryan Smith, the State Member for Warrandyte.
what a nice bloke, apparently I've reached an 'important milestone'

On a less exciting note, I also got a birthday card from the bank, I now have to pay account fees.
Thanks alot Commonwealth. Bitches.


let's be honest.
I'm procrastinating.
I really should be studying, but instead I felt the need to create a blog.
Why make a blog during exams?
Well, A. I feel completely and utterly detached from myself and the world at the moment... therefore writing a blog gives me some where to vent? Maybe... I don't know.
B. a few of my friends have blogs, I found them intriguing, loved their honesty and bluntness. Overall, thought it was a nice idea... I guess you could say I copied... ah well :)

Mum just asked me what I was doing... my response "nothing of value", she just kept walking past, weird. I expected a "shouldn't you be studying?" She'd be right, I should be.

Exams and studying are a bitch. I want to do well, I do. And I have been studying hard, probably not as effectively as I should have, but hard nonetheless. I simply cannot comprehend how I will feel in two weeks and one day, the words that come to mind are FRIGGEN AWESOME! I will be free. AND 18...

I'm 18 in two days!! TWO!!! But I have an exam on my birthday. Thanks VCAA, no really, Thank you! :-|

I'm not gonna lie, I'm completely and utterly overwhelmed at the moment.
Theatre exam on Wednesday, I really want to do well, but as my teacher keeps saying "I need to be more specific" If I screw up this exam I can say goodbye to a good study score.
Methods on Friday and the next Monday. Let's not talk about that.
Music the following Wednesday. Melodic dictation go jump!
Then finally the Tuesday after that Italian, sono molto terribile a italiano, specialmente l'ascoltando.

I cannot believe this, I just spent this whole post talking about school and exams.
VCE is actually consuming my life. More so, draining my life.
However, it's almost over.